Following God with Courage

"This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be

afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." -- Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Being Thankful: "Where's Johnny's cap?"

I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. —Psalm

A story is told about a family that went on a picnic by a lake. At one point, their 5-year-old son waded into the lake, stepped into deep water, and sank out of sight. None of the adults in the family knew how to swim, so they ran up and down the shore in panic while the child bobbed up and down and screamed for help. Just then, a man happened by who sized up the situation, leaped into the lake, and rescued the boy. He climbed out on the bank with the child, who was frightened but unharmed, only to hear the mother ask with irritation, “Where’s Johnny’s cap?”

So often we focus on small disappointments that cause us to grumble and complain rather than focusing on the wonderful things God has brought into our lives, not the least of which is His everlasting love and eternal salvation. When we complain about the small dissatisfactions of life, we’re asking, in effect, “Where’s Johnny’s cap?”

Paul wrote, “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18). We may not be thankful for everything that comes our way, but we can give thanks in everything. It may be difficult to be grateful when we lose our job or our health fails, but we can be thankful for the good that God has brought to us in this life and grateful for the life to come. —David Roper

As endless as God’s blessings are, So should my praises be for all His daily goodnesses that flow unceasingly! —Adams

Instead of being preoccupied with our problems, let’s praise the Lord for His blessings.

So often we focus on small disappointments in our mates. It causes us to grumble and complain rather than focusing on the wonderful person and helpmate has brought into our lives. When we complain about the small dissatisfactions of their behavior, we are in a sense asking, “Where’s Johnny’s cap?” I am guilty of this. But, I don't want to be. Lord Jesus, please help me to properly appreciate all that you have given me... and that includes all the parts and aspects of my wonderful husband... My Love. -- Amen.

Until next time...

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